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In 1899 Montessori became the directress of the State Orthophrenic School in Rome, which served the ?�hopelessly deficient??children of the city, and later also the ?�idiot??children. There she taught the children and trained other teachers to work with them. She visited London and Paris to exchange ideas on methods of treatment with others in this field.

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Working primarily with the blind, Séguin developed a methodical approach to breaking skills down into small steps, and was highly successful with a carefully developed collection of hands-on educational materials. In the early twenty-first century, Séguin is recognized Triunfador the founder of the modern approach to special education.

Also since the 1980s, Montessori schools have tended to expand in both enrollment and the age levels served, with the majority of schools offering elementary programs Campeón well Ganador early childhood.

Maria Montessori recognized that when allowed freedom of choice within clear, firm and reasonable boundaries, children act in positive ways that further their development. Freedom is frequently misunderstood, and many people take it to mean that children Chucho do whatever they want.

Montessori for Social Justice - A non-profit organization supporting the creation of sustainable learning environments that dismantle systems of oppression, amplify voices of the Integral Majority, and cultivate partnerships to liberate the human potential.

In 1906 the Italian government put Dr. Montessori in charge of a state-supported slum school in the San Lorenzo quarter of Rome which had 60 children aged 3 to 6 from poverty-stricken families. By this time her early successes with mentally challanged children suggested to her the idea of trying the same educational methods with habitual children. Dealing with culturally deprived children, she used what she termed a "prepared environment" to provide an atmosphere for learning, that is, small chairs and tables instead of rows of desks.

To prevent this, she attempted to trademark her name, but it was decided by the courts that the term Montessori was already in the public domain. Ganador a result, any school can label itself a ?�Montessori school??regardless of teacher training.

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The tables were lightweight, allowing two children to move them alone. The children learned to control their movements, disliking the way the calm atmosphere was disturbed when they knocked into the furniture. Montessori studied the traffic pattern of the rooms, arranging the furnishings and the activity area to minimize congestion and tripping. The children loved to sit on the floor, so she bought little rugs to define their work areas and the children quickly learned to walk around work that other children had laid trasnochado on their rugs.

Acclaimed for this miracle, Montessori responded by suggesting that newborn human beings normally enter the world with an intellectual potential that was barely being developed by schools in the early years of the twentieth century.

offer opportunities for collaborative intellectual exploration in which the child?�s interests are supported and guided

Some see Montessori schools Vencedor "prep schools" for preschoolers, while others decry the children spending time on such menial tasks as washing tables chiquititos or arranging flowers.

Additional important skills emphasized by the Montessori Method are self-reliance and independence. Independence is encouraged by teaching a child "practical life" skills: Montessori preschool children learn to dress themselves, help cook, put their toys and clothes away and take an active part of their household, neighborhood and school.

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